Merkaba Music
ShaMANoiD is created by British producer Stef Soma, a direct evolution from the UK based act known as Divine Soma Experiment (DSE), DJ Soma, and the SomaSoundSystem production.
ShaMANoiD’s music a hybrid of freestyle cutting edge electronic music and ethnic, world tribal music, takes you on a shamanic journey through different energies. From dance tempo, mid tempo and down to ambient. ShaMANoiD explores the experimental in electronic music, a journey though indescribable genres.
As a full live act ShaMANoiD performs with an emsemble of live musicians, including sitarist, cellist, bass player, drummer, percussionists and other surprise guests, however ShaMANoiD also plays a solo set with just laptop and midi controller when going to more remote gigs.
These acts have toured Japan, China, Bali, Thailand, Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, USA, Canada, UK, France, Switzerland, Spain and most of Western Europe, playing festivals and other venues.
ShaMANoiD have played live on main stages around the world, notably at:
Burningman (USA) Waveform(UK), Shambhala, Motion Notion, Earthdance Vancouver , Entheos gathering, Diversity, Connect (Canada), Dance for Peace (Bali), SomSoundSystem (Mexico)
Supported & Toured with:
Ott, Tipper, The Crystal Method, Julian Marley, Transglobal Underground, Asian Dub Foundation, Liquid Stranger, Bluetech, Adham Shaikh, Mix Master Morris, Karsh Kale, Gaudi, Spoonbill, Tetrameth, Photek, Kraddy
DSE/ShaMANoiD group members have featured Roly Wynne (founding member from Ozric Tentacles UK), Max Pashm (Levellers & Electro Swing Club UK), Mick Reid (Ship of Fools & Celt Islam UK), James Hamilton, Clara Shandler as well as many other top musicians and players.
ShaMANoiDは、イギリス人プロデューサー、ステフ・ソーマによって創られた。UKを拠点に活動するDivine Soma Experiment (DSE)、DJ Soma、SomaSoundSystemプロダクションから直接進化した。
ShaMANoiDの音楽は、フリースタイルの最先端エレクトロニック・ミュージックとエスニックな世界のトライバル・ミュージックのハイブリッドで、さまざまなエネルギーを通してあなたをシャーマニックな旅へと誘う。 ダンステンポからミッドテンポ、そしてアンビエントまで。ShaMANoiDはエレクトロニック・ミュージックのエクスペリメンタルな世界を探求し、筆舌に尽くしがたいジャンルを旅する。
Burningman(アメリカ)、Waveform(イギリス)、Shambhala、Motion Notion、Earthdance Vancouver、Entheos gathering、Diversity、Connect(カナダ)、Dance for Peace(バリ)、SomSoundSystem(メキシコ)など。
Ott、Tipper、The Crystal Method、Julian Marley、Transglobal Underground、Asian Dub Foundation、Liquid Stranger、Bluetech、Adham Shaikh、Mix Master Morris、Karsh Kale、Gaudi、Spoonbill、Tetrameth、Photek、Kraddy
DSE/ShaMANoiDグループのメンバーには、Roly Wynne(Ozric Tentacles UKの創設メンバー)、Max Pashm(Levellers & Electro Swing Club UK)、Mick Reid(Ship of Fools & Celt Islam UK)、James Hamilton、Clara Shandlerをはじめ、多くのトップ・ミュージシャンやプレイヤーが名を連ねている。